Are you interested in becoming a member of the Catholic Church?

To be baptised, confirmed and come to share in the Eucharist is possible at any age! Today, men and women from a variety of  backgrounds are responding to the call to follow Christ and celebrate the Sacraments of the Church. Before sharing in the sacramental life of the Church, you will embark on a journey where you will get to know Christ better and deepen your relationship with him, which could change your life forever.

On the journey, you will meet people who are seeking Christ in their lives, like yourself, and finding the way to answer his call. You will meet other Christians who are witnessing to their faith, to the teachings of Christ and his Church. The whole parish community journeys with you and supports you with prayer as you prepare to be welcomed into the worshipping community.

In the Archdiocese of Glasgow, there are 99 Catholic parishes. Those who are interested in becoming Catholic should, in the first instance, make contact with their local Parish Priest. Every parish should have a programme for adults who are interested in becoming Catholic, called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).

The starting point for becoming a member of the Catholic Church is simply talking to your local Parish Priest, who will be happy to talk you through the process. He should be able to listen to you and understand what God seems to be doing in your life.  The Parish Priest can then introduce you to the basic steps towards becoming Catholic.

What Can the Catholic Church Offer Me?

The Church is the sign and instrument of the communion of God with His people.

Membership of the Church comes through Faith and Baptism. All are invited to come forward to become Catholics.

If you would like more information about becoming a Catholic, please contact you local parish. or visit this website.


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